Visual Tracking - Occupational Therapy
There is a pesky fly buzzing around your house! When you follow its path with your eyes so that you can catch it you are using visual...

Collaborative Art-Making - Art Therapy
Collaborative Art-Making Lately we’ve started to explore collaborative art-making during our art therapy sessions with some of the kids...

How does speech and language develop? - Speech Pathology
It is very important to look holistically at speech and language development which includes foundations such as attention and play...

Bilateral coordination - Occupational Therapy
Does your child seem clumsy, uncoordinated or or move awkwardly? But why? Bilateral coordination is the ability to coordinate both sides...

Attention! - Occupational Therapy
When completing tasks at home and in school some children may lose track of what they are doing, make frequent mistakes, or simply...

Motor Planning - Occupational Therapy
What is motor planning? We use motor planning (sometimes referred to as praxis) for everything we do! We use it to get dressed, throw and...

Handwriting Challenges? How do we spot these? - Occupational Therapy
Handwriting challenges? How do we spot these? There are many underlying components that affect handwriting. Some include: ·Posture: -...