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Occupational Therapists are professionals who help people of all ages to improve their ability to do everyday activities they want or need to do through individualised assessment and intervention.

Occupational Therapy at Kids Inspired is focused on using play-based therapy that is tailored for children and adolescents from 0-18 years to improve their capacity to play and learn. We see children for a large variety of reasons, to evaluate and help enhance skills necessary for their everyday life, including playing, getting dressed and handwriting.

Assessment and Therapy Services


Initial & Review Assessments


Your child’s first occupational therapy appointment includes a detailed case history and an assessment of skills including:

  • Movement and coordination skills

  • Handwriting skills

  • Sensory processing and modulation skills

  • Planning/organising skills at home/school

  • Self-care routines

This will give a better understanding of what difficulties your child may experience when performing activities in every-day life and enables individual therapy sessions to be tailored to each child’s goals.


We utilise standardised assessments and clinical observations to aid our understanding of your child’s skills and strengths. A consultation with other professionals who are involved in your child’s care may also be required (preschool/school teachers, paediatricians, medical specialists, speech therapists, psychologists, or other support services).


Using assessment results, an intervention plan will be developed with specific recommendations. A full detailed report of the assessment findings can be provided (additional cost).


Intervention / Therapy


Therapy sessions will target area(s) of concern to achieve established goals, based on assessment results and recommendations. Recommendations and goals will vary according to your child’s needs and take into consideration the needs of the child and family. At Kids Inspired, we are focused on creating therapy sessions that are fun and engaging for both children and family. We may also recommend making changes to the child’s environment (school or home) to help the child be more independent.


Parents are encouraged to participate in therapy sessions and evaluate progress. Practising techniques in the home is crucial as activities are often provided at each session. We also encourage collaboration with schools, preschools and other professionals, so your child can achieve and generalise their goals in a range of environments and maintain progress.


School / Pre School Visits


At Kids Inspired, we offer pre-school / school-based occupational therapy assessment and sessions/visits. This allows the clinician to liaise with teaching staff, target goals that are relevant to the curriculum and allows for stronger generalisation of skills to be achieved in and outside the classroom environment. These services can be requested in conjunction with your child’s assessment or therapy program or through contacting Kids Inspired directly to organise a visit.

Child in Air Yoga

These charges are in line with NDIS hourly rates for service provision by an Allied Health Professional as of July 2023 which are $214.41 for Psychology service and $193.99 for other Allied Health therapies.


*Current as of

4 March 2024

These charges are in line with NDIS hourly rates for service provision by an Allied Health Professional as of July 2023 which are $214.41 for Psychology services and $193.99 for other Allied Health therapies.



per hour session

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