Postcard Art Therapy
Postcard Art Therapy One of our latest art therapy directives has been generating some great results at Kids Inspired, and that’s...

Time Outs
Time outs are a widely used tool in many parents’ toolkits, but that does not mean that every parent is implementing them ‘properly’ or...

Visual Tracking - Occupational Therapy
There is a pesky fly buzzing around your house! When you follow its path with your eyes so that you can catch it you are using visual...

Parents as Partners - Speech Pathology
Parents have been, and always will be, the MOST important member of our team. No one knows their child better than a parent does. Parents...

PEERS Training - Psychology
Our Principal Psychologist Deni spent all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday completing the online training to be a certified facilitator...

Pencil grasp - Occupational Therapy
Does my kid’s pencil grasp need fixing? How am I supposed to know? Like any other milestones (rolling over -> crawling -> first steps...

Collaborative Art-Making - Art Therapy
Collaborative Art-Making Lately we’ve started to explore collaborative art-making during our art therapy sessions with some of the kids...

Anger Iceberg - Psychology
How do we stay gracious and empathetic when our child is yelling and kicking off? In the face of anger, it can be helpful to remember...

Tummy time is not just for babies! - Occupational Therapy
Tummy time is not just for babies! Development of strength, endurance and so much more happens on the floor! Some children may become...

How does speech and language develop? - Speech Pathology
It is very important to look holistically at speech and language development which includes foundations such as attention and play...