Gratitude - Psychology
Evidence has suggested that finding the time to show gratitude for what you have in life can improve the mental health of people...

Emotional vocabulary and regulation - Psychology
Kids will communicate in the ways that they have learnt naturally, but we may also need to strategically assist them in understanding how...

Bilateral coordination - Occupational Therapy
Does your child seem clumsy, uncoordinated or or move awkwardly? But why? Bilateral coordination is the ability to coordinate both sides...

Art Therapy online - how does it work? - Art Therapy
Art Therapy online - how does it work? Often we get enquiries from our parents asking how can you do art therapy through a computer...

Name it to tame it! - Psychology
Name it to tame it! Recognising emotions is the first step to emotional regulation. After all, how can we fix a problem if we don’t know...

Attention! - Occupational Therapy
When completing tasks at home and in school some children may lose track of what they are doing, make frequent mistakes, or simply...

Speech sound substitutions - Speech Therapy
This is very common among 3 year olds but not so much four year olds. By the age of four, children are not usually leaving off that 's'...

Feeling lonely? - Psychology
Have you been feeling lonely? It would be surprising if those feelings had not come up for anyone reading this post right now. Loneliness...

Core Strength - Occupational Therapy
What is core strength? Having core strength means having strong tummy, back and pelvis muscles. We need these muscles to be strong in...

Family Dynamic - Art Therapy
Modelling after my family One of the newer exercises we have brought into our art therapy sessions at Kids Inspired is forming our family...