Holiday Groups
We aim to create fun and engaging group therapy programs that kids love to attend in the school holidays, as they don't feel like they are attending a regular school or therapy program!

Each school holidays our team work together to develop different social group therapy programs, offering a variety of themes to tap into the common areas of interest of our kids, such as superheroes, sensory play, sports and gross-motor activities, visual arts and crafts, drama and other common areas of special interest for different age groups. Each of our programs is designed by our allied health therapists, and facilitated by our allied health therapists.
There is a maximum of 6 students in each group therapy program.
To submit your expression of interest for your child to attend a group program, complete the form at the bottom of the page with your program of preference. You will receive an email with a Service Agreement confirming your child's place in the group program.
See below for the upcoming School Holiday Group Programs (released 4-6 weeks before the school holiday period).
january School Holiday Programs
Fantasy Worlds Junior Group - 2 SPOTS LEFT!
Supersize your imagination as you step into a world of fantastical characters and creations! We look forward to engaging kids in creative and playful activities designing their own fantasy world character outfits and storylines, whilst assisting them in developing their fine motor, problem solving and social communication skills.
Junior Group (Kindergarten - Yr2) Tuesday 7th January 9am-11am $225
Brickalicious! - 2 SPOTS LEFT!
Calling all Lego lovers! Join us for this fun group program working with your team of peers to follow the building plan, understanding your different roles within the group, and marevelling at your joint creations. Students will also have the opportunity to exercise their own creativity and have a piece of their own to take home.
Primary Group (Students in Yr2 and up) Friday 10th January 9am-11am $225 + $10 for take home bricks pack.
Mindful Me..Tween Girls Group - FULL
Come and join us for a morning of mindful, creative and calming activities focused on affirming and supporting identity in tween girls. Building on our group from last holidays, we look forward to welcoming the girls back, and welcoming new group members.
Senior Group (Students age 10-13 years) Monday 13th January 9am-11am $225 FULLY BOOKED - This group is currently fully booked.
Fantasy Worlds Senior Group (Think DnD!) - 2 SPOTS LEFT!
We are super excited to be introducing this new group teaching students the joy of Dungeons and Dragons using the therapeutic role-playing game Critical Core, which invites children to enter a shared world of fantasy, consequence, and social problem solving!
Senior Group (Students in Years 3-6) Thursday 16th January 9am-11am $225
Summer Dayz Sensory Group - Part 1! - 1 SPOTS LEFT!
When you think about summer what do you think about? Swimming at the beach or the pool? Enjoying fruit smoothies or ice creams? Celebrating everything about summer, we will delve into fun sensory and creative activities that assist in developing students fine motor, problem solving and social communication skills.
Junior Group (Kindergarten to Year 2) Monday 20th January 9am-11am $225
Paint and Slurp - 2 SPOTS LEFT !
Through this fun theme, students will experience the psychotherapeutic benefits of self-expression through visual arts, developing mindfulness, emotion regulation and problem-solving skills. Students will be making slurpees to enjoy whilst they engage in their creative pursuit, with a canvas masterpiece they will take home.
Senior Group (Students in 3-6) Wednesday 22nd January 2pm-4pm $225
Summer Dayz Sensory Group - Part 2!
There's so much to celebrate about summer, and as this school holidays is a particularly longer one, we thought we would run two Summer Dayz Sensory Groups - with different activities at each group for kids who want to attend both! we will delve into fun sensory and creative activites that assist in developing students fine motor, problem solving and social communication skills.
Junior Group (Kindergarten to Year 2) Thursday 30th January 9am-11am $225
If there is a group program that you are interested in, but your child does not meet the age/year group requirement, please let us know, as we at times increase the age range, or can create an additional group when additional interest from same-age peers has been determined.